Hana Kark was in residency at The Art Gallery @ GCC at Glendale City College in Glendale, CA for 8 weeks (mid-July through mid-September 2019), which opened up opportunities for new ways to structure collaborative art making.

"Chromatic Collaborations" has four artists each working alone to produce 25 small panels of each primary and secondary color. Then, when the works are shown collaboratively, all the small panels are intermingled into a single mosaic-like work with rich textures and amazing color combinations. At this time, only blue, orange, green and some red panels are finished; stay tuned for the rest of the work!

"Facial Recognition" is the second new mode of collaboration, with each of the eight members sharing a digital self-portrait with all other members. Each artist then produces a new work which is "portrait" of the original "self-portrait." The result is a fascinating personality slice and re-presentation of ourselves.

Five of the eight original members were able to be present in the Art Gallery for the residency, and all worked with the encaustic painting set-up in the gallery. Additionally, Caryl and Margaret worked together to produce long scrolls of encaustic monoprints overlayed with video, and Luke and Margaret worked on a site specific drawing installation. Both collaborations completely blended individual efforts into new work.