1. Create a self portrait (any size and material okay)

2. Take a photo (or scan) of the portrait so that it will fit on a 8.5 x 11” page. Create a jpg to send to participants.

3. Send the JPEG to each participant. 

4. When you receive an image from an artist, print out on ANY kind of 8.5 x 11” paper you can put through your printer. For example you may print on card stock, printer paper, transparency, etc. Must be flat to be used in a book/zine in the future.

5. After you print the 8.5 x 11” image, you will paste, collage, cut up, tear up, chew up; how ever you want to use the image on a 12 x 12” piece of paper (kind of paper your choice). The end result should be flat so it can be used in a book/zine in the future.

6. You will receive an emailed digital image (self portrait) from each participant and you will email a digital image of your self portrait to each participant. Assuming full participation you will create (7 or 8) pieces of 12" x 12" art.

Caryl St. Ama

Chris Russell

 Carlyn Clark

Johnny Fox

Luke Reichle

Margaret Lazzari

Nancy Kay Turner

Portico BOwman